Wellness Chiropractic
Chiropractic Adjustments
A misalignment of the spinal column can impact a variety of different parts of the body. Think about it: the nerves that enables your organs to function branch out from your spine. A common word you hear in our office is “subluxation” which technically means misalignment. To correct misalignments we use non invasive, gentle and controlled joint manipulation to improves your mobility, nerve function, and overall well-being.
Who Can Benefit from Chiropractic Adjustments?
If you struggle with any of these conditions you may suffer from misalignment and could benefit from chiropractic care:
- Back and neck pain
- Nerve pain and lack of function
- Headaches
- Loss of mobility
- Whiplash
- Sciatica
- Injuries
- Chronic pain
Restorative Care
It is our priority to make sure you receive customized care specific to you and your needs. That is why we design restorative care based on what we see in our examination. These care plans start off intense, but then gradually shift towards maintaining the results that you have gained throughout your time with us.
Wellness Care
Once you have completed your care plan, Dr. Jim and our staff will recommend you maintain your results through wellness-based care. This type of care ensures that you can receive continued results and maintenance of your results long-term. Like we say to many of our patients, our goal is to see you at your 80th birthday party moving and grooving better than ever!